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Hiring guidelines in Greece

  • Pay & taxes
  • Leave policy
  • Termination
  • Time-off
  • Additional info
Minimum Wage Requirements

The minimum wage is EUR 713 per month. However, the minimum wage will vary according to the seniority and civil status of the employee:

Years of service Minimum wage Marriage/family allowance
Up to 3 years EUR 780 EUR 858
3 - 6 years EUR 858 EUR 936
6 - 9 years EUR 936 EUR 1014
Over 9 years EUR 1014 EUR 1115.40
Individual Income Tax

The individual income tax ranges from 9% to 44%. Income tax is calculated according to progressive rates. Multiple additional factors may impact overall rates such as the household status and the number of children.

Gross Annual Income Tax Rate (%)
Up to EUR 10,000 9%
Up to EUR 20,000 22%
Up to EUR 30,000 28%
Up to EUR 40,000 36%
Over EUR 40,000 44%
Payroll Cost

The employer cost is generally estimated at 22,29% of the employee salary. The maximum gross monthly base salary for social security contributions for 2023 is EUR 7,126.94 per month.

  • Pension Fund - 13.33%
  • Supplementary Pension -3.00%
  • Health Insurance - 4.30%
  • Supplementary Health Insurance 0.25%
  • Additional Contributions - Unemployment - 1.41%
  • Teleworking Expense - EUR 28 a month
Overtime Pay & Maximum Hours

Standard working hours are 8 hours per day, 40 hours per week. The standard workweek is from Monday to Friday. However, if both parties agree the standard working hours can be 6,4 and the working days from Monday to Saturday. 

In Greece, there are two types of overtime: "iperergasia" and "iperoria." It is required by law to pay overtime to employees, and the rates vary depending on the type of overtime.

There are limitations in place: employees cannot work more than an average of 48 hours per week over a period of up to 4 months, including both types of overtime. Additionally, it is not allowed to include overtime in the employment agreement.

Overtime: Iperergasia

  • For employees working 40 hours a week for 6 days a week, the first 8 hours of overtime (1 hour and 20 minutes per day) fall under iperergasia.
  • For employees working 40 hours a week for 5 days a week, the first 5 hours of overtime (1 hour per day) fall under iperergasia.
  • Iperergasia is paid an increase 20% of the employee's regular hourly rate.
  • There is no need to inform the authorities about this type of overtime.

Overtime: Iperoria

  • Any overtime worked after the hours of iperergasia is considered iperoria.
  • The authorities must be informed in advance about iperoria, and there should be a valid reason for it. Iperoria cannot exceed 3 hours per day (excluding iperergasia) or 150 hours per year (excluding iperergasia).
  • Iperoria is paid with a 40% increase of the employee's regular hourly rate until reaching the maximum of 150 hours per year.
  • To work more than 150 hours of overtime in a year, the employer needs special permission from the Ministry of Labor and must pay an increase od 60% of their regular hourly rate.