The individual income tax ranges from 0% to 35%. Income tax is calculated according to progressive rates.
Gross Annual Income | Tax Rate (%) |
Up to THB - 150,000 | 0% |
Up to THB - 300,000 | 5% |
Up to THB - 500,000 | 10% |
Up to THB - 750,000 | 15% |
Up to THB - 1,000,000 | 20% |
Up to THB - 2,000,000 | 25% |
Up to THB - 4,000,000 | 30% |
Over THB - 4,000,000 | 35% |
The employer cost is generally estimated at 5% of the employee's salary
Standard working hours are 8 hours per day, 40 hours per week from Monday to Friday. The standard work week is from 09:00 to 18:00 with an hour break. However, employees can work from Monday to Saturday with a working week of 48 hours.
Overtime payment is mandatory. Hours outside of standard work hours are considered overtime. Employees can work a maximum of 36 hours of overtime a week. For additional hours, employees are paid:
Managers and supervisors can be exempt of overtime pay if in their job description includes a supervisory authority.