The monthly minimum wage is TL 13,414.50 gross and 11.402.00 net.
The monthly minimum wage is TL 13,414.50 gross and 11.402.00 net.
The individual income tax ranges from 15% to 40%. Income tax is calculated according to progressive rates.
Gross Annual Income in TRY | Tax Rate (%) |
0 – 70,000 | 15% |
70,000 - 150,000 | 20% |
150,001 – 550,000 | 27% |
550,001 – 1,900,000 | 35% |
Above 1,900,000 | 40% |
The employer cost is generally estimated at 17.5% of the employee salary:
Please note: The minimum salary used for the calculations is TL 13,414.50 and the maximum salary is TL 100,608.75.
*The Social Security Institution (SSI) incentive is a discount that is applied when Social Security payments are made on time.